Your donations make it happen!

As a non-profit organization, Oaks & Acorns depends upon your generosity to continue and to expand its outreach efforts in San Diego, California.

Contributions in the form of annual pledges are especially welcome in that they provide a steady stream of financial support that insures the continuing of vital programs. Here are some of the ways that you can provide help and support for our children – those who are high-risk and at-risk by making your donation today:

All contributions, both financial and gifts-in-kind, are tax deductible. Among the several types of suppoyou may wish to choose from are as follows:

Complete the form and make checks payable to “Oaks & Acorns” Mail completed form to:

Oaks & Acorns 4602 Kansas Street, Suite #312, San Diego, CA 92116

To request more information via email or to have a Oaks & Acorns representative contact you directly please email :

[email protected]      
Thank you!